giovedì 15 novembre 2012

This week's lessons

This week, aside from having updates on your blogging activity,  we did some vocabulary exercises looking at words expressing attitude and opinion (IELTS Language Practice p.220 and p.222) and I asked you to use some of these expressions as you comment on each other's blogs and also as you write your blog posts for this week.
We also began looking at Critical Discourse Analysis, which we will explore further in the weeks to come. Here is the ppt from Tuesday's lesson.

Introduction cda pid2012 from Francesca Helm

You also should start reading the photocopies I left for you about making speeches.

5 commenti:

  1. Good afternoon :)
    If you want to improve your vocabulary I highly recommend you to use this site

    It will not only help you to expand the number of words known but by using it, you will donate rice to countries suffering from starvation. So, it's a win-win game!

  2. THanks Ramona for recommending this site - I will put it in a gadget on the right-hand menu with some other links to vocabulary exercises!

  3. I would like to suggest to you an interesting conference.
    Here a brief description and a link to get further information:

    "The Symposium The Future of Political and Social Sciences. An International and Interdisciplinary Conversation, to be held in Padova on December 14 and 15, 2012, gathers distinguished scholars from different disciplinary and geo-cultural backgrounds to address the challenges of global transformations.
    Globality is assumed not only as a subject to investigate contemporary societal complexities but also as a condition to rethink assumptions and perspectives of political and social sciences as well as the wager of higher education in growingly globalized societies. Citizenship and democratic principles; freedoms, rights and responsibilities; languages, access to knowledge and communication tools will be some of the key concepts informing this international and interdisciplinary conversation. A specific focus is devoted to innovative educational practices being ideated and implemented worldwide.
    The event also launches a broader project - Next Generation Global Studies ( - the aim of which is to contribute in making sense of contemporary social experiences facing plural times and spaces of globalization."

  4. I also recommend this video about Hebron's occupation by Israeli settlers and the condition in which Palestinians have to live. It's not an ideal exercise to learn English, maybe, but I think everyone should watch it:

  5. Thank you Angela for this. I too recommend watching this excellent documentary. I have a copy of the documentary in English and we can certainly watch part of it at least in class one day.
