martedì 4 dicembre 2012

The Future of Political and Social Sciencees

Next week is supposed to be dedicated to the improvement of university teaching and I'd like to open a discussion with you on this topic, also in view of the event which will be taking place in the Department on the 14th and 15th December, the Future of Political and Social Sciences, which is part of a broader project: Next Generation Global Studies. I'd like you to consider how you think this university could help you to become critical, creative and responsible global citizens and political scientists. What and how would you like to learn? What is the role of foreign languages in this process? New technologies? Global networks?
Here are a couple of videos to get you thinking, please comment with your thoughts on this topic and try to start a dialogue about this which we can continue in class. You could also think about making a short collective statement  - in the form of a document, a video, a powerpoint... the possibilties are endless - which could be presented at some point during the event.  

27 commenti:

  1. Political science examines the fundamental ideas and institutions that govern society and it allows us to explore how countries are governed around the world.
    It’s a large and dynamic field that evolves as quickly as today's news and events.
    It try to discover new informations into ideologies and history, economic and military systems, journalism and mass communications, international organizations and multinational companies, political leadership, psychology and sociology.
    Political science talk about the nature of statecraft, citizenship, power, justice, community, law and freedom.

    I think political science can help students become critical and responsible citizens. The study of politics is an essential part to liberate us from uninformed opinion and to develop critical-thinking skills to make sense of our changing world.
    The study of political science makes students conscious of their rights and duties and is valuable for creating good citizenship because it makes students (people) conscious of national, objectives and goals.

    I like to study international politics, global politics, international relations and so on because they extrapolate political theories, attempting to understand how countries interact with each other and how that relationship is influnce by non-state actors like multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations, international financial institutions etc.

    New technology and global networks are essential. Media is everywhere. Today everyone use internet to say connected.
    How many people use Facebook or Twitter? So much! And what about You Tube? You Tube has 4 billion views daily!
    The power of these global network is unbelivable.

    Yesterday I read that Pope Benedict XVI joined the social media “Twitter” too.
    The Pope's account currently doesn't have any tweets. It follows 7 other accounts, which are all versions of the same account in different languages: German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Italian, French and Arabic.

    This is the great power of social networks and global networks. They have the power to influence, to convince people, to create relationship, to promote, to share informations etc.

    Berton Sara

  2. I think it is important to create a system of mixed learning, in which a part of the lesson is conducted in the traditional way by the teacher with classroom lectures and a part is characterized by the confrontation between students and students/teacher: these exercises stimulate the debate, personal development and the ability to communicate with others.
    Also foreign languages will be always more useful for developing learning and to make us citizens and students more critical and responsible : knowledge of a language other than the mother language allows us to get close to the culture where the language is spoken and understand better people that speak it.
    Another way to develop us in this direction it’s to bring video or personal testimony or do a firsthand experience.
    The development and increasing use of new technology has certainly decreased the distances: facebook, twitter, youtube with a simple click allow us to share thoughts, emotions, moods.
    This new kind of global media has different aspects : on one hand there are information that are not posted by the usual media operators ,on the other hand we can find also false information,news,advices that, if we don’t look them with a critical spirit, we can take them like the truth.
    Finally, the Political science, the Social Science, the study of International relations can help us to better understand the world around us and to search new instruments to modify it!

    Roberto Pellizzaro

  3. The faculty of Political Science offers many tools to understand the different international realities. I think the knowledge of two languages and the study of the history of international relations are useful tools to become responsible global the Citizens and political scientists.
    However, I believe that our faculty can improve in many aspects, for example the faculty could create more stage opportunities.
    For example, the project “Soliya” could become a real stage, so students may have more time to deepen the discussions between them. In addition the project Soliya could also be done in other languages, not only in English and conversations could be publish for all students in a forum, where they could develop debates and discussions, may be it became a way to keep up date.
    Inside the faculty, there could create "working groups" or "research groups" among students accompanied by teachers to explore some thematic areas of international relations and exchange research and information with other universities and all the information could be collected in a site accessible to all, where the students may get ideas for the thesis.

    Elsa Pasqual


  4. 8/12/12

    I think that the Faculty of Political Science definitely helps students to become responsible citizens and this because it gives a wider and deeper knowledge of what surround us and what is happening in the world. This Faculty opens the mind and do not fossilize on one topic as can be, for examples, some Faculties like Arts, Economics, Engineering and others, where the focus is primarily on a specific topic. Instead in the Faculty of Political Science are studied in depth many subjects: history, politics, economics, philosophy, sociology… and two foreign languages too, which are essential in an increasingly globalized world. All this allows for a high level of general knowledge.
    I’m very interested what I’m studying, it’s a great satisfaction, and overall I give a positive opinion of this Faculty. Internet certainly has a role increasingly important also at University, it’s very useful during the courses and practical activities and researches and it has facilitated student life from the point of view of bureaucracy.
    In our Faculty use of the internet could be enhanced for example by creating online courses that are already present in several Italian Universities.
    In fact one of the aspects that I would improve in the Faculty of Padua is that the days when courses are held, are too dispersed in the week: this prevents a student to get a job while studying and is forced to give up the frequency of some courses. University should give everyone the opportunity to attend all the courses without sacrificing work.
    This problem could be solved with a different distribution of the courses during the year, or just through the online courses and it could be easier also for the many students who don’t live in Padua.
    This shows how technology is important and how much more can improve our life of students and workers.

    Isabella Juvarra

  5. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  6. Almost five years ago when I decided to go to the University, Political Science was not my first option. Initially I wanted to enroll in the Faculty of Law, later almost accidentally I discovered the Faculty that now I attend. It was love at first sight.
    Now, after five years I do not regret my choice, indeed I would do the same. However, there are many aspects of our Faculty that must be improved.
    In our field of study, the knowledge of foreign languages has a great importance and in my opinion 100 hours of teaching in 5 years are not enough to have a satisfactory preparation.
    It would also be useful, in my opinion, to introduce more courses in a foreign language such as English, Spanish, and German etc. Another key aspect that needs improvement is the use of technology in the classroom. Many teachers continue to teach without any use of the PC or technology in general, and I think that nowadays this is no longer possible.
    I also believe that the University should be closer to the working world and should help new graduates in finding the first job.
    There is a lot more to say, but in my opinion those aspects need a rapid change.

    Paun Romica

  7. Talking about “re-thinking education” and the role of new technologies and global networks in universities, I have read about a project, called “Kahn academy”: a collection of free online educational videos in the YouTube platform, created in 2006 by Salman Kahn, an Indian American educator, graduated at MIT and Harvard Business School.
    The aim’s project is “providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere”, trough more than 3,600 video tutorials (that last more or less 10 minutes), teaching maths, history, finance, chemistry, biology and so on.
    In 2011, the American magazine “Time” considered this platform one of the “50 websites that make the web great”…and the educational system too, I would say.
    Video address especially to young students, but the creator is working in order to involve also adults.
    This is an idea that I really like also for university: to improve the use of internet for our courses, for example by creating a platform where teachers, researchers or students can post lessons, shared with the whole course, in order to help students that have missed the lesson, or if they want to revise.

    Considering the future of Political and Social Sciences, I think it is a crucial issue for our society, because our faculty teaches students to become multi-tasking and open-minded people: two essential qualities today. So it makes me angry the fact that in Italy it is considered something useless and not much concrete, unlike in UK or in the USA, where Political Sciences come from.
    However, I think that there some think that we have to improve, such as: to increase the “practical” aspect of our courses, with more experiences related to the labour market, by giving more importance for example to the stage experiences.
    In conclusion, I agree with Romica, when he said that it will be useful to introduce more courses in a foreign language, in order to make easier the learning of the appropriate vocabulary.

  8. As an Erasmus student, it is a little difficult for me to assess the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences from Padova because I’m studying here for approximately 3 months but I will make some observations I managed to identify so far compared with what is happening at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Timisoara.
    First, I consider there is a huge gap when it comes to the professor-student nexus. Most of the teachers are very formal and they inspire the fear of approaching them. For example, I met this teacher that, from the outset said to not dare to ask questions about the exam, what we have read for the course, etc. I think these attitude is really harmful because it leads students to alienate from them or makes students to be uninterested in what that he/she is teaching but to do that lecture only because it’s compulsory and, in my opinion that is to be a failure.
    Secondly, I think the consecution of courses is rigid and rely too much on theory. I noticed when teachers offer seminars to take place, those interested are in a rate of 2%. In Timisoara we have a different way of course development. Take the example of a course: Theories of international relations. We have one week course and a seminar once or twice a week, depending on the academic program. During the course, the professor displays information, students listen and they don’t have to take notes because they receive the presented material electronically. The most interesting work is going on in the seminars: you can work individualy or in teams. We have various themes to work on, sometimes proposed by teachers according to curriculum, sometimes proposed and selected by us. By such methods, we are encouraged to do research, to get more thoroughly documented on a particular topic and this has many advantages because meet pros and cons: we manage to form our own opinions and don’t take the information as granted. Moreover, after research, we are more likely to stick with all the information we read because we increase the extension field of information rather than if the teacher would give us to read 2 books for the exam. In addition, we contrive to exercise our ability to speak in public and to overcome the fear of getting the spotlight and talk in front of strangers.
    Thirdly, I would like that getting an internship doesn’t have to be sodifficult, I think the Department should be more involved, to develop partnerships with institutions, organizations, etc to provide certainty that each student will learn practice.
    Another thing I want to emphasize is the fact that what is taught is largely past events. I believe this should be changed, I do not want to say that what is taught should be removed now but I think the vision should be directed to the future, towards the dynamic characteristic of all contemporary societies.
    When it comes to foreign languages I strongly believe that is one of the most important aspects because it is more beneficial to a future politician to know many different languages in this era of multiculturalism and ongoing globalization.

  9. The Faculty of Political Sciences has a long tradition and I think that some adjustments are necessaries. First of all I strongly recommend more classes in a foreign language, not only in English but also in French; for doing so, in my opinion languages must have an year-long course and every student must attend three of them, giving also the opportunity to learn Asian languages.

    Second, I think that a reorganization of some classes, which are very similar, will be proper because some themes are dealt in the same way during different courses, losing the opportunity to focus on other aspects.

    Third, personal opinions should be encouraged by the professors because nowadays this type of interactions is often disliked.

    Fourth, as already mentioned by other colleagues, the Faculty should help more the student in the job research by linking the students' competences and the companies' requests. Our formation covers many different branches but, at the same time, we haven't one specific field, such as the students of Architecture or Medicine; we are able to do many things but none in particular. In other countries our degree opens many possibilities and it is very respected. And it's a pity that here the situation is different.

    Alberto Vigonesi

  10. I graduated this July and I was very happy for this goal! I chose this faculty in 2008 and now I'm confident in my choice. Political Sciences and diplomacy can be important in this years. We are not closed in Italy, we have to open our eyes and our mind on the world and my studies can make it real. I can understand better how the world change and I can read pheromones with a critical eye.
    There are some aspects to analyze however. I think that I have to do an hard work with languages because I lost basic rules of grammar because I stopped study languages in the last year of high school and when I came to university, teachers pretended a good level of knowledge and I wasn't ready. Now, I'm trying to learn some new words and to expand my vocabulary.

    When I talk with my friends, they ask me why I study Political Sciences and what I want to do when I grow up, what job I can do with my degree. I can answer sometimes and I don't want to do because I think that the world change very quickly and I can't predict the future. I think about my graduation and after, when I will finish, I will think about a job. I'm not an engineer, a lawyer, a doctor that have a clear career. I will choose when I will have to choose.

    I can say that in Italy there are some prejudges about our Faculty, people don't understand what we study! “Politics?? Oh no, I don't like that!”. But politicians are guilty, not us! We study also to change this!
    I only want more relationships between universities and the world of jobs because to study is important, but students have to learn to do something really too.

  11. I think that Political Science University is one of the most complete universities. When I chose my university career I considered this thing. I like history, politics, economics, philosophy, and law, and I didn’t want to choose only one of these subjects. This university has given me the possibility to study all of them and now it is offering me a very extensive knowledge about many of these topics.
    And I think when I will be graduate I will be able to do different kinds of work.
    This university creates critical and responsible people as well as students. It gives us tools. It teaches us the past the present and the future about world, about international relations and economical institutions. It also teaches us how we can analyze and solve a problem of different nature. It is a dynamic university. It is evolving.

    In Italy, otherwise from other countries, the University of Political Sciences has less importance, but I think it is wrong because it has the power to train very prepared people who might have right abilities to govern and to put our country off of a possible crisis. According to this, I believe that our country should collaborate more with this University for example with creating more stages in internal administration services as well as in European Institutions. It should support them.

    I agree with Ramona that in a globalized and multicultural world it is very important and useful that a person knows many different languages, primarily English. Political Sciences University offers a chance to learn more than one as the Faculty of Languages and it is another positive opportunity that this university gives us.

    New technologies are the future; they provide many new useful interesting tools both for learning and for teaching. First of all Internet. It provides some specific web-based applications for example e-learning platforms, which allow students to receive material of different sorts from their teachers, as well as to interact with them in real-time.
    And for this I agree with Romica when he says that it isn’t possible that many teachers of our university continue to teach without any use of the PC or technology.

    Valeria Turozzi

  12. I remember when I was a child and my cousin was at the university, that all my family was proud of him, and I can still see in my mind my aunt, proud, saying <>. Well, I didn’t like those words, because I wasn’t able to understand their meaning. I wondered what was the meaning of Political Sciences, it didn’t sound so good to me; I thought it seemed really boring and not fascinating at all. How I grew up I’ve heard a lot of “meanings” for Political Sciences, some good and other bad. Someone defined these studies as the perfect subject for lazy people, for the “communists”, or even for people without any particular skills; instead of others that have defined these studies as the perfect subject for all those people who wants to know how the world works, that want to change the nasty aspects of societies.
    I think that Political Sciences’ faculty is underestimated. I’m disappointed with all those people who don’t believe it’s not a good choice for the future. I think that it is a very good choice for the future, because who study Political Science knows everything: history, philosophy, law, languages, how diplomacy and international relationships work, and sociology.
    In my opinion there would be some changes helpful for this mistreated faculty, as for example: have more hours dedicated to foreign languages (so important in international relationships); more classes in which the professors try to establish a critical dialogues with the students rather than make only endless monologues; more working groups or class projects to interiorize the matter; less bureaucracy to make easier for students to participate to projects or similar etc.
    In Italy, in University’s system, technologies are not used in the right manner. For example we have the informatics class that, in my opinion, how is “structured” it isn’t really helpful as if it was structured in another way. For example if each class would make students work with computers from the beginning, they would probably be more qualified for an employment.

  13. The backwardness of the Italian universities in the global context is clear.
    The Italian education is characterized by a sharp decline, a strong youth unemployment and, as a result, the so-called “brain drain”. We need a revolution in the University to give us, young Italians, the opportunity to compete with the world.
    The organizational situation is disastrous: the services are not so good, the facilities are poor and overcrowded (I have attended courses in which it was difficult to find a seat!) and in general anarchism in an Italian university is almost palpable.
    The recent cuts to universities have not helped to heal a complicated situation that gave even more discouragement to the students.
    The method of teaching in our universities is very archaic: only in the last times, few professors are trying to be innovative.
    I think that it is necessary to invest more in new technologies. Some time ago, I read an article in which the Faculty of Economic of the University of Padua proposed the use of “e-readers” to facilitate the students, now forced to carry backpacks to hold all their books.
    I am very satisfied with my academic choice. The course of International Politics and Diplomacy is very interesting, even if I do criticize, for example, the curriculum includes a stage but not always it is inherent with the subjects that we studied. So the educational goal of the stage is less.
    From my point of view, there are many difficulties that we student find at university, as the data on the abandonment of the degree programs, the "irregular careers", students off course. These problems are also due to an absence of technological innovation of some Italian universities, for example in the South, which do not provide for the possibility of creating online courses or obtain training materials online.
    Every student, passed the high school exams, is faced with a dilemma: to continue to study or not?
    In my opinion, it is important to continue to study because in the period following the conclusion of the studies, the unemployment rates among University graduated is less than the high school graduated.
    I think that to encourage young student to go to University, it is important to make a didactic and structural change.

  14. 09/12

    First of all I want to say that I chose the Faculty of Political Science because I like what I study. I don't think what I will do after the degree, but i study political science because i love his teachings that expand my knowledge about something i like.
    The Faculty of Political Science is characterized by a multi-disciplinary training. There are, in fact, economics, law, history, sociology teachings, but also matters of statistics, linguistics and political science.
    I believe that study more of a foreign language and understand international relations is very important in an increasingly globalized and multicultural society.
    However, the faculty of Padua could be improved in many ways. For example, should give students more opportunities to do internships in political and social spheres, and the university should be more careful in this.
    In addition, lessons should be spread better during the week, so students can attend all without problems.
    Another thing to say is that, for example, our faculty is not well organized, often know things at the last minute and when a problem arises, the secretaries answer at the phone when they want and if they answer, are rude and discourteous.
    It is also important to increase the courses in a foreign language, not just in English but also in German, Spanish and French.
    These languages are fundamental for us, students of political science.
    Study international relations and diplomatic relations and not know these languages​​, it is a serious mistake.
    However, the future of our faculty, in my opinion, will be rosy and important. Political Science opens people's minds, it makes you understand many things that without this option is not possible.

    Andrea Scapin

  15. Political sciences are a kind of studies which comprehend a lot of subjects. Political scientists must have skills regarding a lot of issues; we must be able to understand the economical changes and transitions, we must have low’s knowledge’s, both of public and international low, we should be able to understand the society and the diverse dynamics characterizing it. We have to be able to understand the international community starting with understanding our country for first.
    In a continuous changing world political sciences have to continuously change and update their way of working and of analyzing phenomena. I believe that the way we deal with political studies is too static. We are now in a globalized world in which English has become the language speak all over the world but we still have courses in Italian, I think it should be better to have more courses in English because as political scientists we need to manage English as our own language, all the international texts are in English, the security council’s resolutions, the EU regulations, the great part of documents regarding foreign politics affairs are in English; most of the most important meetings are taught in English and we absolutely need to manage it in a good way.
    Another critical aspect of the way of teaching political sciences is that many of our courses explain how things should be or how things should work and ones we come to understand that actually things are not really working in that way professors often refuse to have a critical confrontation with us. They prefer to base their courses on the theory without facing reality. But we are studying to understand the world around us, the international institutions and organizations way of working and as political scientists we need to look at the world in a critical way if it is our duty to make it better, so professors have to help us in doing it. I faced this difficulty in my triennale but now, in this two years , finally I am having critical and comprehensive courses which are teaching me the real way the world is functioning giving me the instruments I need to one day make my job with a critical way of thinking.
    Considering the importance of technology’s use in this globalized world, an improvement of its availment by the university could just be a positive thing. Many students, me at first don’t manage technology in a good way and a more intensive use of it could just give us one more tool to one day use in our working life.
    In conclusion as a student of International politics and diplomacy I blame luck of courses explaining us foreign policy relations between states, courses about the different trading strategies, we are supposed to became diplomats ( if we want it) but we do know nothing about being a diplomat. We are supposed to work with different cultures but we have a single course of sociology ad it is not enough to give as tools to understand different cultures.

  16. Political Science is underrated. I still remember my parents' expression when I told them I wanted to come here in Padua and study Political Science and International Relations. Their first reaction was: “and what will you become?”. Future is scaring, but I am proud of my choice because of what is giving to me already, apart from job opportunities. Political Science does open your mind, it gives you a basic knowledge of economics, politics, law, history, and the more you learn the more you are interested in what you study. Opening your mind means knowing new aspects of new topic but also new aspects of something you knew from a limited point of view. To become global citizen means to understand that reality is not only our vital space, our family and the city where we live, but there is a whole world out there, closer than we think. Internet and new technologies are great tools, but more can be done, starting from the university.

    In my opinion foreign languages need more attention. In Italy children approach English when they are six, but I think that we are far away from a satisfactory command of this language. At university English learning should focus on technical jargon, writing essay and preparing simulations, taking for grant that grammar is something already acquired. But the reality is a bit different, so we can use new technologies to fill this gap. Youtube, TED talks allow us to listen voices, learning foreign languages as a tool that conveys a message, not only as grammar rules. Online newspapers inform us giving also another point of view and Skype allows us to talk and chat with people all over the world. University could make use of these technologies, increasing programs such as Soliya, dedicating hours to the reading of newspapers and debating, encouraging meeting between Italian and erasmus students. Simulations of debating like in American colleges would be a great experience.
    According to our exam timetable we have to attend two foreign language courses, and this is an added value for a political scientist. However,the opportunity of attending other courses in these languages is not given, so learning a third language remains an isolated experience.

  17. Political sciences have the primary purpose of making understandable the world around us, providing a set of instruments , borrowed by other subjects, such us Economics, Sociology, History etc.

    One reality in our days is surely new technologies, social networks, and Internet in general. A Faculty that made the comprehension of globalization and social dynamics, one of its focusing topics, cannot exclude the world of Web. In consequence, we need, more than others, that in our courses the use of new technologies and new methods of education are implemented. All this must continue to put side by side the traditional didactics, that makes possible a more “human” exchange of knowledge with discussions, sharing of opinions etc., with new e-learning methods.

    Internet permits us to find an avalanche of information, news, speeches, and other materials with a quickness that before was unthinkable. We cannot limit our studies to books and notes on a blackboard: only opening our analysis to the world we can obtain a more realist vision of our world.

    Another key point of the development of our Faculty is the necessity of more courses in English (it is the language of International Politics and we cannot absolutely deny that). And also on this point, the use of new technologies may help us: there are a lot of opportunities, exercises, etc. on Internet, just for example.

    In the end, I believe that the more difficult challenge that the Faculties of Political Sciences have to cope with, it is to assure an appropriate link between academic and working environment. The credibility, the reputation and the prestige that this study field should have, are dramatically undermined by the lack of opportunities and stages for the students.

    Michael Massarutto

  18. For a university's critique

    The entire educational system, not only the university, is in crisis. It is manifested as generalized discontent at every level of its structure. In Italy, every government that has taken place in recent years has tried to remedy this crisis with a type of corporate rationalization. Each step in this direction has not done anything but open out the time difference between educational system and the change of the statutes of knowledge. The attention and the proper charge of malcontent should not be placed on a single reform of a government or a minister, but we need to go to act in the focal points that are substance. By the current state of crisis you don't quit downloading some fault towards the others, a minister or the president of turn. This strategy only serves to project out the responsibility or the irresponsibility. The first responsibility is to be found in the relationship between teacher and student; the students are not indifferent but react through, Nietzsche would say, deliberate obtuseness, with a sort of defensive distraction at the reduction of knowledge in indifferent modules of disposable information. Today, the student must store a packet of information as you read the instructions for mounting a kitchen. The manual instruction can be thrown away as soon as the kitchen is mounted; the student learns the art of learning information and the firm increasingly courted by the university tries to download on her the costs of low profile training. In Italy for a return of image and some funding, universities grant an honorary degree to one showman or a small business owner, thus confirming that you do not need to study to become rich and famous. Every night talk shows reiterates that the opinions the political scientist, the scientist, the player, etc...are absolutely indifferent and the opinion of each worth as much as the other. This indifference is the content of the training, and the university system distributes exchanging credits, in theory knowledge qualified, with years of work, maybe spent in a police or in military. The education system provides packages informations: the students store them in an obstacle course through exams and saturated times and then expel them from their head as soon as the exam is passed. Therefore students talked about a "taylorization" of the education system. But if this is, we have to understand what the trained monkeys are producing!

    Fabrizio Creston

    1. Fore more: Massimiliano Tomba e Mino Conte, "Archivio di studi urbani e regionali", ed FrancoAngeli, 2011, pp. 210-221.

  19. When I chose the faculty of Political Sciences, I wanted to acquire tools to understand how the world works. I’m partially satisfied but also a little bit disappointed.
    My first level degree was in International Relationships and Human Rights. In the most cases the exams was very generic and the professors didn’t make us to critically think. We had to memorize definitions and theories without discussions.
    It wasn’t stimulating. Instead passing exams was very easy: reading a book was often enough.
    For the prosecution of my studies I opted for International Politics and Diplomacy.
    I appreciate the courses I’m now attending and I’ve found again the pleasure of studying. But I can still observe that there are many aspects to improve, generally speaking about the Faculty of Political Sciences in Padua.
    First, teaching organisation doesn’t pay enough attention to foreign languages. I think there should be every year annual classes of English and another foreign language. By this way students would create and then reinforce their linguistic skills and they wouldn’t stop to practice a language for too time.
    Second, history is fundamental to comprehend the present time but we should also face current issues, such as the wars that are unleashing, the interests which move international relationships and the economic crisis’s evolution. Seminars would be a good tool to do it. I was really impressed by Ramona’s comment, because I’ve always desired the way of teaching they have at the University of Timisoara: seminars, interactive lessons, active students’ work. Press review would be another optimum tool: two hours a week to read newspapers together and discuss news.
    Finally, students should have more freedom in choosing exams. We are not only a serial number, we have different interests and we should be free to cultivate them. Somebody want to become a diplomat, someone else a journalist and others would like to work for a NGO. It makes sense organizing flexible courses of studies.

  20. I think that an important step to stimulate our creativity and our critical thinking would be to make lessons more interactive with the teachers. Stimulate the students to say what they think in an interactive way is very important. In fact, in Italy there is a lack of this learning method. I was in Sweden for my Erasmus Program and I was very struck by the way in which the lessons took place. The students are constantly stimulated by the teacher, also as group work and presentations are very important to bring out our personality and prepare ourselves for the world of work that requires the ability to collaborate and work in team. A course that particularly struck me called “Negotiation Peace” was a simulation of a negotiation, in groups we tried to reach a final agreement, which was subsequently signed by all, that's what I mean by interaction. The Italian method of study is too tied to the textbooks and the practice does not exist, when in my opinion, is the best method of engagement. Another very important thing is the attention that is given to languages. Unfortunately in Italy the level is not very high this also depends on the absence of courses in language (for example in English) and the small number of languages that are offered to the student. I saw, from my own experience abroad, that the Italians are disadvantaged because although we have a very thorough academic preparation, there is a lack of the most innovative learning method which consists of the ability to speak, discuss and bring out our opinions. I think that education should prepare us to a world that is increasingly globalized and where the languages are the future. This awareness should result in a method of study to catch up with other European countries to make us more competitive in what will be the labor market.

    Anna D'Amico

  21. I think that this university is perfect for a person that has and wants to have a flexible and critical mind; it helps you to see things from many different point of views and you learn how to handle a problem from economical, juridical, historical, sociological aspects. It gives you also some critical tools helping you into creating your own personal mind. In my opinion our university and the teaching of political and social sciences can improve a lot.
    First of all the use of new media, especially the internet, should be more considered in order to have a more open and full understanding of studied subjects; this is really important especially for courses related to “International Relations” that are always and continuously changing. Global networks are really important too; political and social sciences are not like math, there isn’t only one truth, but different people in different countries could have a different, but still right, opinion on the same issue; knowing and understanding different opinions it’s fundamental for the improvement of political and social studies.
    Another crucial issue is the role of foreign languages; they’re probably the most important thing to be studied in our university nowadays. I believe that learning how to communicate with other people it’s as much important as learning what to communicate; it’s useless to know a lot of thing if you cannot share them with other people and in order to do this you do have to know foreign languages. I think that foreign languages in our university are not as much important as they should be and that’s really a pitty!

    Michele Magnanini

  22. As soon as people started to live together in community, political sciences dawned. Aristotle defined political science as the study of the State, but the field of political sciences widened with the evolution of the society. Nowadays, political science is a multidisciplinary matter concerning also the study of economical processes, sociology and anthropology, history, law and international relations, communications and public policy. People often criticize political scientist because the matter of their studies is too indeterminate and it is “snack’s sciences”, meaning that political sciences do not investigate an important subject. I do not agree with these statements. First of all, I think that the study of the State entails the knowledge of all the topics concerned with the organisation, the governance, the politics and the international role of the State. It is impossible to have a theory about politic without have knowledge about the context in which the State operates and about its components.
    Moreover, in a globalized world the role of the State is becoming less important and incisive but this does not mean that the State does not govern anymore every side of human life. In my opinion, political scientists are people who can regulate all others offices: they are experts who can put together others experts specialized in different fields and give unity to the heterogeneity. The qualification of political scientists should be all-embracing and comprise various aspects of human life. For example a political scientist is not an economist but he or she should has also a basic knowledge of economical processes. This does not mean superficiality but ou contraire: political sciences permit to understand a complex reality from a multidisciplinary basis. I do not find any benefit to know exactly which building materials is better to use on a muddy ground if I do not even know when the Second World War started. I hope that the study of political sciences will make me a “citizen of the world”, responsible because I know how this world works.

    About our University: I think that the organisation of didactic work is quite primitive. In comparison with other European countries, Italian teaching model is organised in an one-sided way: passive students listen to teachers who sometime speak to them without taking care of students’ interest and emotional involvement. Lessons should be more interactive and teachers might use other didactic stay than books only, like Internet and video-audio opportunities it gives. Instead of studying on a book with the single aim of get a good mark at the final test, students should take a long route of personal growth which can’t be reached only reading books.

    Susanna Gallini

  23. I think that the faculty of political science should be organized in a different way. I believe that it is necessary to develop an interactive relationship between professors and students in order for those ones to be proactvly involved during the lectures, and avoiding the current passive mode that is generated by the traditional metodologies.
    politic is a social science that comes from the comparison enhancing the improvement of communication skills as well as critical opinion. This tool is in the students’ hands which should be more an active player in learning lessons. Therefore the interconnection between the students and professors can reinforce everyone’s point of view. As far as I feel, the course of political science, it is important since allow young people to gain civic sense and good understanding of the political system in which we live at daily basis. I consider the lectures in this course to be very interesting, but thought out my persona study experience I came across too many topics based on the historical side rather than current nowadays issues and challenges, which, I believe, should be of focus and more stimulating for the personal growth. The use of technology also during the lessons may become useful for a constant acknowledge of the debate, making the study itself even more innivative. I believe that the Italian education system needs to be updated both in contests and teaching methods (and not cutting cost of Researches, Universities and schools as it is happening today). General speaking, the faculty of political science must be able to change, to remain competitive.

    Gianmarco Del Giudice

  24. When I joined in political science I had just passed a bad experience at the University Ca Foscari of Venice where I studied Contemporary History, so once arrived in Scipol it was not a problem for me the wide range subjects covered during my First Level Degree course. The problems started with the Second Level Degree where in my opinion there is a disproportionate favor for historical subjects, too many looks to the past but just few tools to interact with the present and the future.
    In the PID curriculum there are no compulsory courses that teach research techniques, while the political and economic geography that in today's world would be a help to understand the dynamics of the current and emerging actors of the world is relegated to the courses to be chosen from those of three-year degrees.
    A student of Scipol without tax exemptions pays more than € 2,000 a year equal to what they pay those of Scientific Faculties with a big difference: we don't use complex scientific laboratories! In our department internet doesn't work so good, the microphones as well while in many classrooms chairs are in poor condition.
    The internship issue, now is mandatory for PID students but the internship office lack of support, so I wonder whether it would be more correct to make the internship optional?
    Moreover, the bureaucracy behind the internship cost, so why do not concentrate the resources to those who really want to do it? All the other students may be allowed to get their credits participating to Erasmus program or doing optional courses.
    I think we need more participation between students and professors,would be interesting if the students were able once a week to expose some topics of the course, and then follow with a discussion with the professors. Students must give their own idea about the bibliography or topic of a course,obviously without diminishing the role of professors but to better focus on particular aspects of a subject.
    Technology is important as well, Web sites like could give inspiration to create platforms where teachers and students not only share information, displaying opinions through forums and find the videos on the lessons, so as to help the many who for reason of work can not always participate in the lessons.

    Stefano Pasqualetto

  25. In my opinion in Italy the level of teaching and studying is higher than other countries in Europe. When I was in Madrid for LLP Erasmus project, the amount of study was not a lot, sometimes we have not even books, only photocopies and some articles to read, analyze and comment on group.

    The problem in Italian universities is that there are not specific technical courses; we study a lot of subjects in theory but we do not put into practice what we have learned. On other problem is the study of a foreign languages, but it is a lack that comes from high school. I have studied three languages for 5 years but nowadays I can speak very fluently only Spanish, the language I have learnt in Spain.
    In Italy, even if the basis of culture and knowledge are so deep, there are not good investments to improve the interests and passions of young people. There are not lots of scholarship to study abroad, to improve acquaintance of foreign languages and most of internship are unpaid, so they are inaccessible for lots of students.
    This caused inequality inside the country, between young people who can afford the internships, and good students who have not enough money, which cannot afford them and at the same time there is a difference between Italian students, who are a good theoretical qualifications and other European students who, even if have a worse knowledge in a field, they can work better, because have done an internship or worked in a specific area.

    Regarding my MA course I think it should be organized in a different way. As it is a course that watching more outside Italy than inside, the lessons should be taken in different languages, above all in English and the professors should do more work on group or technical work, so the students could understand better if it is their future way of working.


  26. When I chose to attend political studies, my aim was to prepare myself for my future : I wanted to understand the world of international and Italian politics, in order to be able to participate in an active way, and see through the chaos of today's political scenery.
    In particular, the field of historic studies has helped me to identify the origins of multiple Italian and foreign parties, their original ideals and values, and how they have grown over time.
    Studying international relationships, I now understand the reasons for many economic and political choices, and I can express my feelings and my opinion about many topics, including important and current issues such as USA's foreign policy or the international economic crisis.
    I'm satisfied of my preparation, it comprehends different fields, with a particular attention against actuality and global issues.
    I personally believe that nowadays we have the 'duty' to be responsible for our choices. Anyone can find any kind of news, or information, and we have no excuses for being unprepared about politics.
    As a student of the Political Sciences Faculty of the University of Padua, I think that our lessons are well-exposed, and I have no complaints about them.
    Of course, during the academic year there are many possibilities to participate to 'deepening' events, or seminars. You can also have the possibility to take part to interesting job opportunities.
    There's just one thing that I don't like about my is not well organised : there's too much bureaucracy and often the online services don't work properly. Moreover, I think that academic dues are too high, a public University shouldn't be so expensive.

    Greta Giordano
